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Houston Climbs 没有. 9 in New Ranking of Best Cities in America

Published Jun 07, 2023 by Brina Morales

Houston Skyline cropped

休斯顿在今年的榜单上再次攀升 America's Best Cities 没有. 从No到9. 11 last year, drawing praise for its culture, 多样性, restaurant scene and number of Fortune 500 headquarters.

The annual 报告 by Resonance Consultancy, an international consulting firm, describes Houston as "America's stealthy powerhouse on the rise,他指出,这座城市的国内和国际移民人数众多, international festivals, and ethnically diverse population and food scene. According to the Partnership's latest Global Houston 报告, international migration surged in 2022, 占该地区人口增长的最大份额.

近年来,休斯顿在美国最佳城市排行榜上稳步攀升. In 2022, it ranked 11th compared to 17th in 2021. 最新的报告还强调了休斯敦如何通过投资未来的航空航天来恢复其作为太空城的地位. 其中一个重要的投资和经济发展项目是休斯顿太空港, one of only 10 FAA-licensed commercial spaceports in the U.S.这是唯一一家位于市区的餐厅,就在市中心外. According to the 报告, 太空港的租户已经获得了近40亿美元的新合同. 该太空港的三家主要租户是柯林斯航空航天公司、公理空间公司和直觉机器公司. 

该报告还称赞了休斯顿的生活成本调整后收入,并在财富500强企业中排名第四. Fortune recently released its 2023 Fortune 500 list,将德克萨斯州列为拥有最多财富500强总部的州. The greater Houston metro area has the second-largest hub of Fortune 500 headquarters with a total of 25.

《皇冠HGA010官方下载》还介绍了Hamsa、Casa Nomad和Urbe等在疫情后开业的餐厅. 2022年,大休斯顿地区获得了10项詹姆斯比尔德奖的半决赛提名. 最近,休斯顿厨师Benchawan Jabthong Painter和Street to Kitchen餐厅的老板赢了 Best Chef in the Texas category in this year's James Beard Awards.

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休斯顿太空人队(Houston Astros)将在一个新的综合功能区加强他们作为该市主要经济驱动力的作用.   The district, which will feature a 17-story, 300-room hotel and 60,000平方英尺的零售和娱乐空间,毗邻美汁源公园, is expected to generate $5.据《皇冠HGA010官方下载》(Houston Business Journal)报道,在20年的时间里,它对经济的影响达到了70亿美元. Announced last year, 该项目是一项更大的计划的一部分,该计划将市中心改造成一个首屈一指的娱乐目的地,就像其他MLB棒球场周围的地方一样,比如亚特兰大炮台球场(the Battery Atlanta)和圣帕克村(Ballpark Village). 路易.  Click to expand 该项目还包括一个三层建筑的计划,它将作为比赛日观看派对和现场音乐活动的聚会空间. 该空间将设有一个大型户外屏幕,球迷可以在这里观看太空人队和其他休斯顿球队,如德克萨斯人队和火箭队, as well as other major sporting events. 它还将被玻璃窗户包围,可以俯瞰棒球场,在天气宜人的时候可以打开.  "Our goal is it's an attractive area year-round, not just on game days, and it'll be a really great, happening venue," said Giles Kibbe, the Astros' senior vice president and general counsel, in a statement. "If you want to go to a public place to watch a sporting event, this is going to be the spot to go to."  负责丰田中心的休斯顿房地产公司Hines将开发该地区. 与此同时, Dallas-based HKS Architects, known for designing the Texas Rangers' Globe Life Field, is creating the master plan for the project. 该地区的建设预计将于2025年开始,历时三年, with an estimated cost of $327 million.  随着休斯顿作为国际体育城市的地位日益突出,这项重大投资也随之到来, 它成功地确保了2026年国际足联世界杯和2025年世界杯等重大体育赛事的举办, 2027 and 2031 AAU Junior Olympic Games. 该地区将进一步加强城市作为娱乐目的地的声誉, drawing even more visitors downtown.   Learn more about living in Houston.  
Economic Development

Houston Remains Top Texas City in New National Ranking

休斯顿再次荣登年度美国最佳城市排行榜榜首, claiming first in the state and No. 10 in the nation, surpassing Dallas and Austin.  这份报告, compiled by international consulting firm Resonance, ranks cities with a population of more than 500,000 based on livability, lovability and prosperity. 多年来,河口城在《皇冠HGA010官方下载》杂志的榜单上一直名列前茅,排名第一. 9 in 2023 and No. 11 in 2022, drawing praise for its cultural 多样性, award-winning restaurant scene, number of Fortune 500 companies and quality of life.  休斯顿的人口增长可归因于其高质量的生活和强劲的经济. According to a Greater Houston Partnership analysis, Houston added nearly 140,000 residents in 2023, marking the second highest population growth among U.S. 地铁.  “Austin may get the attention, 但是,“孤星之州”吸引加州和纽约人的承诺正在休斯顿悄然实现,” the 报告 stated.  今年的报告再次承认休斯顿是美国最多元化的城市之一, 四分之一的居民在国外出生,有超过145种语言, earning it the No. 21 spot in the 报告’s 文化 category. 该报告还强调了这座城市丰富的国际节日, world-class museums and cultural centers, including the new Ismaili Center set to open next year.  休斯顿的餐饮环境在报告的餐厅分类中排名第四, ahead of popular foodie destinations including San Francisco, Las Vegas and Miami. The city earned acclaim for its diverse blend of dishes, 在报告中被描述为“南方灵魂和墨西哥烤肉,然后用全球美食调味。.” Earlier this year, 11家休斯顿餐厅和厨师入围2024年詹姆斯比尔德奖半决赛.   这份报告 also applauded Houston’s robust economy, ranking No. 财富500强企业数量和专利数量位居全国第三. Houston is home to 26 Fortune 500 companies, 使其成为全国第三大财富500强总部中心. As a hub for business development and opportunity, 休斯顿最近还被评为最适合发展企业的城市, according to a new study by The RevOps Team.  Additionally, 共振认可了河口城在全球皇冠HGA010官方下载转型中的领导地位, 据估计,未来15年该地区的潜在投资将达到2500亿美元, according to a recent McKinsey 报告. 这份报告 also highlighted Houston’s reputation as Space City, 提到了关键的设施和投资,比如休斯顿太空港, 它是由获得nasa合同的公司Axiom Space主持的, Collins 航空航天 and Intuitive Machines.  Learn more about living in Houston.  

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